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“Learn how you too can participate in tomorrow’s medical progress...” Poster
Help get the word out! You can help raise public awareness of clinical trials by displaying this poster in your clinic or hospital. Simply download the poster at the size you want and print out as many copies as you need.

Poster Description
This poster dislays nine head-and-shoulders photographs of smiling individuals of various ages and ethnicities. The photographs are arranged in a grid of three rows, and each person is labeled with an improved health condition due to clinical research. They include heart transplant, anti-depression medication, kidney dialysis, breast-conserving surgery, hypertension medication, pain medication, preventing stroke, acute leukemia treatment, and antibiotics.
The poster includes the logos for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National institutes of Health.
Poster Text
Learn how you too can participate in tomorrow’s medical progress...
Be part of tomorrow’s medical progress. Visit the Clinical Research Trials website to learn whether one is right for you. Clinical trials — consider the possibilities.
This page last reviewed on November 20, 2023